Channels List

*Note : This list is not including all channels we have, contact us for more informations about the channel list.

Yes. Our service is available worldwide to everyone.

If the download speed is not less than 30 Mb/s everything will run smoothly at the highest if you are not sure, ask for a test.

Of course! Just contact us by e-mail
or WhatsApp.

We offer a full range of European, British, American and Asian channels in 4k/Ultra HD quality.

Yes. Our service is available worldwide to everyone.

If the download speed is not less than 30 Mb/s everything will run smoothly at the highest if you are not sure, ask for a test.

Of course! Just contact us by e-mail
or WhatsApp.

We offer a full range of European, British, American and Asian channels in 4k/Ultra HD quality.

What are you waiting for ? Offersiptv brought you the best in television, take advantage now and buy your package.

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